Click4Assistance UK Live Chat Software January 2020 - Viewmedia

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How To Start A TV Channel

A common phrase we hear from a number of our first time clients is "I have no ideas how to start a TV channel". Fortunately, we do! To start your TV channel, you'll need a professional, flexible and reliable service to both start up and established channels looking to broadcast their content to a global audience. ViewMedia are specialist providers of high quality satellite broadcasting to established & start up channels. Discover how to start a TV channel here.

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What is OTT?

We know that there can be a lot of jargon in the broadcasting world, which is why we've broken down exactly what OTT means in this blog. OTT stands for ‘over the top’ and is the practice of streaming content directly across the Internet. As long as you have access to the internet, either locally or through a mobile network provider, you can access the service anytime you want to.  If that still hasn’t busted the OTT jargon for you, carry on reading!

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